Thursday, August 5, 2010


'Woman' - an adult human female. This is the meaning of the term Woman given in the dictionary. But, does the term 'woman' just mean an adult human female? Is its meaning limited to just this or does the term or rather the being means more than that? Ofcourse there is much more to a woman than just being 'an adult human female'. A Woman can be a Daughter, a Sister, a Mother, a Grand Mother, a Wife, a Daughter-in-law, a Friend, an Aunt, a Teacher. A woman is the person who is responsible for running a household. She can be a homemaker as well a Career woman. She can be a guide, counsellor, a mentor and an agony aunt. She essays her many roles beutifully with elan and elegance. She wears many or rather innumerable hats which perch preety on her head! Thus, the meaning of the word woman in no way is just restricted to being ' an adult human female' but, more than it.

A woman, is warm, compassonate, affectionate, humane, mawkish and patient. She is also very demure, dignified, strong, caring, considerate, loving, understanding, tolerant, soft hearted, rock-solid, sensible, level-headed, matured individual and lots of fun! A woman fulfills all her relationships with immense love. She prooundly enriches the lives of people around her by fostering warm bonds and strong rapport with the people she is associated and is great at sharing good camaraderie with everyone with her warmth and love. She can also be a tremendous support system when she is needed to be one. But, despite all her efforts, she is always dismissed, taken for granted and treated contemptuously.

When we hear the term 'Woman', the most certain terms to creep in our minds are delicate. fragile and mawkish. But, most people who nurture an orthodox and primitive ideologies and mind-sets also relate the terms 'weak' and 'inferior' with women, absolutely degrading their sex and regarding them as contemptous, which I very strongly oppose, as I am a girl child too, morphing into a woman, which is why I have chosen this topic to voice my concerns, opinions and views on it, as it is a very dear concern to me and I believe to every woman on the planet, because it is time we receive our share of love, respect and our rightful place in society and in the global community.

in the ancient age, people treated women with tremendous disdain and contempt, looked down upon them, dismissing them as worthless and useless beings and scoffed at them. Women were spoken about in a very scornful and spiteful manner by society and were not accorded their rightful place or their share of respect. All these complexities would completely drain the energy off women and make them underestimate themselves. They would constantly be surrounded by negative energies, which would eventually make them construct their iner peace and let their happiness be governed by what society spoke about them. Thus, their self-confidence, hopes, dreams, ambitions, and life in general would be shattered like a glass, which upon falling on to the ground is shattered into copious tiny bits. This demoralisation and dissuasion is encountered by most women even to this day. This phenomenon is immensely unacceptable and intolerable and disturbs me enourmously, because contrary to the world's poular notion, women were and are the superior sex and forever will be.

Most people even today do not attach crucial importance and significance to a gir child's education. They refuse to identify a girl backed with a strong and solid educational background and this one aspect of our society which I absolutely cannot relate to or tolerate, because when the matter boils down to education, there should be held no distinctions or discriminations of any sort between a boy and a girl. I am of the firm opinion that a girlchild's education is equally pivotal because she too like a boy, is a vital component of this world and can gigantically contribute to the much-needed economic development of the global community. I strongly oppose any person's views who does not encourage a girl child's education, because I immensely advocate the idea of highly educating a girl and making her capable of making a better difference to the world. Just like how a prosaic stone after being meticulously and appropriately carved, designed and polished transforms into a brilliantly shining diamond, education too, I believe shapes and polishes a raw individual and enables it to add to the shine of the world and according to me there is no offence in polishing a girl child when she has the innate and natural ability to outshine everyone.

Women today have been super successful and progressive in anything they take up nad bring to the table. We have so many admirable examples to watch and quote. Women have made their unforgettable and remarkable marks in so many innumerable fields, be it in the Entertaining Industry comprising of Modeling, Fashion, Cinema, or any other like Literature, Theatre, Astronomy, Medicine, Business, Law, Creative Arts and many diverse fields of work. Many have made benchmarks in their chosen fields. There are many eminent egxamples to quote like Sarojeeni Naidu, Nita Ambani, Oprah winfrey, Aishwatya Rai, Indira Gndhi, Kalpana Chawla,Enid Blyton and Lauren Weisberger to name a few. Its exceedingly gratigying, rewarding, fulfilling and incredibly amazing to watch women go a notch higher than men, rather than walking shoulder to shoulder with them and making marks in varied fields. There is tremendous confidence oozing in the Modern Age woman coupled with sheer grit and strong determination to excel and emerge successful in evrything they bring to the table. Women dominate varied fields of work today and are extremely successful. Some women have gone on to become really formidable forces to reckon with in their respective fields and command a certain power and enjoy a high stature. They are self made and financially successful, secure, supportive and independent (not dependent on anyone else!). They are the new bread-winners of the family which provides them with a sense of accomplishment and enriches their lives.
Women besides being so engrossed into their professional lives and emersing themselves in workk also immensely indulge themselves in social service. Apart from contributing to the economic development of the global community, they indulge in social development as well, adding a new beautiful meaning to everyone's lives. Thus women act as responsible and careful global citizens and beutifully fulfill their duties towards society.
Another reason why women are equally crucial to the world is because they are blessed with the fabulous natural gift of bringing another life into this world, which enriches their experience of being a woman and makes them want to celebrate every second of their lives for being born as a girl child and experience it in its entirety. Since women are born and blessed with this innate power which comes to them as an incredible gift, of nurturing another being within themselves, women in no way can be regarded as inferiors. Thus, women are the most strongest of all sexes. Women have immense patience and strenght to cope with and tackle any complications or predicaments which come their way, with elan and most importantly the ability and power to love in an unconditional, pure and selfless manner. Thus they possess great fortitude and are very valorous.
Thus, a girl child is truly and immensely blessed, priviledged and fortunate to be born as A GIRL CHILD and she deserves to be treated with the love, concern and respect she is meant for. It is time the world accepts this fact and discouarage the corrupt and atrociously pathetic practice of Female Infanticide and encourage a girl child's education and accord her all the priviledges she is entitled to.
I am aware that it is next to impossible to go around altering evryone's approach towards a woman and changing their perceptions towards a girl child's education, her place and position in society and all other significant aspects associated with her, but, I feel I can surely make a change by voicing my concerns over this issue and making an attempt to modify the society's outlook towards these aspects. Women Empowerment and Securing Women's Rights are some of the most important International Issues in today's age which need to be addressed on an urgent basis, but unfortunately, this does not happen.Therefore, I, as a responsible citizen and girl child is attempting to do my bit towards this and I do sincerely hope, wish and pray that someday the world will accept women as equals with open arms by shedding their narrow-mindedness and orthodox mentality and ideologies and that day will be THE DAY when the world will change for the better!