Teenage years...aren't they super-exciting??!!...Teenage tears are those in which we discover ourselves. They are the years which mould us, into the kind of people we become in the future. They are responsible for building our future, good or bad, is in our hands completely. It is whilst we are in our teenage years, that we grow through or rather experience the ups and downs and good, bad and ugly of life. It is in this period that we go through the self-discovery process, trying to know who we actually are and who we will be in the coming future. It is during this period that we make some life-altering and extremely important decisions of life, some of which we have to live our lives with forever. Thus it is vital to make those decisions wisely, which is why some guiding force in our lives is crucial. Teengae years, through my experience, I have observed is the most exhilarating period of our lives!..atleast it has been so with me! It is while in this age that I have realised how interesting, adventurous and unpredicatble life can be. Life can throw some really unassumed surprises and sometimes really uglu ones too. These have taught me how to tackle life and overcome several hindrances and obstacles effectievely...ofcourse coz I am immensely sensitive, it hasn't been a cakewalk for me to handle everything alone, but it has definetley taught me to be patient and strong, the traits which I did not possess in my formative years. These have been inculcated in me in my teengae years by life!
Teenage years are truly an incredible experience because it is during this time we take the plunge into some really important things..education which matches our career goals, relationships with a partner which will last a lifetime, we also go throgh heartbreaks as well as incredible happiness and ecstacy dueto several reasons...(relationships being the prior focus!!! hahaha)... we come across so many different people during high school years and foster a warm bond called freindship with them, which makes our high school years truly rewarding and this is also the time when we prepare for College Education, the nerve-wracking application processess,...the excitement to meet new people, make new connections, foster some more warm bonds...make new frends...seek new exposure from the world where we live and so much more..
These are the years which carve us into future world citizens, which is why a responsible act is always encouraged from teenagers.
Thus all said and done....whether teenage years render heartbreaks or ecstacy...they are our character-moulding years....years which hold sheer significance to all....as it is during these years that we garner several experiences and everlasting memories that we cherish forever